How to Fix Blogger m = 1 or m = 0 Problem in 2020 Complete Guide

Hi, there in today's post, I will tell you how you will be able to easily fix blogger?m = 1 Problem in today's time in 2020 and read this post for step by step guide. 
If you are fond of reading about SEO Blogging and online earning, we have to read this blog daily and be associated with us.

    Why Code Suffix? m = 1 or? m = 0 on Blogger URLs Needs to be Eliminated?

    One of the main reasons why the suffix code? m = 1 needs to be eliminated because these codes can cause duplicates to scroll through the blog. In addition to eliminating the codes in the blogger, URL can increase the SEO on the blog's breadth of success. This is still believed by making it easier for bloggers.

    According to my personal opinion. A statement like the one that suggests that the code? m = 1 or? m = 0 may cause duplicate content on the blog to be incorrect but also not completely incorrect.

    The opinions of the bloggers are just a part of speculation and the mere assumption that they might happen to have problems when their blog URL still has frills? m = 1 or? m = 0. So they believe that the cause is such a thing.

    Precisely the fact most bloggers do not pay attention to the point this one and most of the other bloggers also have never encountered a problem such as duplicate content caused by suffix code? m = 1 or? m = 0.

    My logic says this is just as the trick of the blog URL warning in particular the Blogger platform, where all the home-accessed URLs have suffix codes? m = 1 or? m = 0. So by eliminating the code it makes the blog URL look short and tidy.

    Furthermore, whether the codes can be directly related to Seo? Some even say by eliminating the suffix code can boost Seo on a blog. The opinion is quite inconsequential indeed and in fact, it turns out by removing the suffix code? m = 1 or? m = 0 can not make the blog up a rank or downranking.

    The more sensible answer to the above statement is if you want to raise the Seo blog then create quality content, that alone is enough to raise the ranking of your blog on the search engine SERP.

    Difference Code m = 1 m = 0 

    Code m = 1, meaning your blog visited from a mobile device, smartphone, or Handphone; Whereas if the code is M = 0, it means your blog is visited from the desktop (computer or laptop).

    Oh Yes, the code m = 0 is considered there if the blog visited from the computer this code, in general, does exist but does not appear, not visible in the address bar on your computer screen.

    How to Fix Blogger m = 1 or? m = 0 Problem in 2020 Complete Guide

    Friends Blogger's biggest problem with all users is that they are not able to fix blogger?m = 1 problem and because of all their post and website URLs, the mobile is automatically adding?m= 1. 
    When you migrate your site from blogger to Wordpress, we encounter a problem called Redirect error that you will be able to see in Google Search Console. That is why we need to fix this problem very much. 

    How to fix Blogger m = 1 or? m = 0 in Blogger

    To overcome this problem, go to your Blogger Dashboard and click on the theme option to backup your blogger template because with the help of the code we will fix this problem. 
    After taking backup, click edit HTML and get to the last of your code where you will see. 
    Paste the code below the same and your Blogger ?m = 1 Problem will be solved. I hope these posts would have liked you.
    • First, open Blogger > > Theme > > Edit HTML.
    • Then put the following code above the code </body> 
    3. Save theme and please try to access the blog URL then the suffix code no longer sticks to the URL of your blog.
    Thus the article on  "How to remove code? m = 1 or? m = 0 in Blogger Url ". Hopefully useful. Thanks

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